Why is this song so good? Seriously though, this is really catchy, especially at the beginning. I love it.
Why is this song so good? Seriously though, this is really catchy, especially at the beginning. I love it.
I would say yes but this song is about saying no... so...
when a song with one of the filthiest basslines ever gets used in a shitty generic gd level.
oh shit
oh no im the only one here that rated 5 stars
im the only one here who likes this song
"Wow, an Xtrullor song that isn't insane!"
*beat drops*
lol im sorry
catchy, like, extremely
5 stars. 5 everything. The song is so well structured and is candy to the ears.
if you can call it that...
"Frontpaged August 5, 2017"
deserved it XP
when i finish artificial colours on gd i will make a level called "artificial smell" or something like that with this song
I T ' S J U S T A J O K E S O N D O N ' T Y A G E T I T ?
what you need to tell sea1997.
I'm a British "music" producer and "game" creator. With massive quotation marks. I made my banner with paint.net, the text from cooltext.com. I make games with Scratch, but am trying to move on to better software, like Unity. :)
Age 21, Male
playing games
no location >:)
Joined on 11/24/15